Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Le transport

I headed to Paris everyday.  I would awake to the lovely sounds of Madame Lamy practicing the piano -- she had a particular fondness for pieces by Claude Debussy -- and would then get ready, grab my bags, quickly top a piece of a baguette with Nutella, and then head to "la gare" (the train station).  The name of my train station in Sceaux was "Bourg-la-reine" and riding this train to and from Paris became such a part of my daily routine that I actually took a picture of it!

I loved riding the train.  I loved the independence, I loved the scenery, I loved the people, I loved the
smells, I loved feeling like an adult, and I loved that I was always heading into Paris.  Now I had never been a person who had ridden a train, or a town bus, or a subway and yet I was going to be doing all of those things on a daily a big a different country...speaking French.  Luckily, their subway (known as "le Métro" in Paris) is color-coded and well marked.  Do you see how many stations there are, however?  And what are those other lines (or as they say, "lignes"?).

The "extra" lines were important to me because that was how I would get back and forth to Sceaux each day.  I not only had to pay attention to the Métro map, but I also had to pay attention to the RER map below it!   I did eventually learn my way (and definitely was lost more than once by making some errors!), but I SO would have enjoyed seeing this video clip prior to going.  Here's your intro for how to ride "le Métro": 

Que pensez-vous?  What do you think about le Métro, commuting, and big city transportation?  Have you ever been on a subway?  Can you tell me what the name of my train station in Sceaux means?  AND...big question here, can any of you figure out how I got from my train station in Sceaux to the Métro station in Saint-Germain-des-Prés?


Sally said...

metro maps confuse me so badly, I get a pounding headache just looking at those maps so I can't answer that last question. I have been on a subway many times before and I *love* it to death. I refuse to sit down and regard it more as a balancing stunt rather than a commuting route. I would have also loved the freedom, and your routine. I know I like my morning routine/commute schedule too, and it's very busy, just like yours was.

Casey said...

That picture is so cool, I just love the look of all the pictures you took. And as for the subway, yes I have been of subways/trains many, many times. I could never do it by myself of course, I would get completely confused and probably end up getting lost and never finding my way back. But that's what I have my dad for, he's always the one to figure out where we are and where we are going.

Unknown said...

I have only been on a subway in Atlanta and it was kind of gross. There was some old women knitting that kept trying to touch my hair because it used to be really longed, and that freaked me out. But in big airports like the one in Atlanta they have metro type things that go amazingly fast and I love riding on those. I've never been on a train though, except the little ones at the zoo and things like that. I really want to ride on a train, but one with your own room, and bathroom. The really fancy ones like in movies. Also just looking at that map makes me want to bang my head against something really hard. I don't understand that at all. I'd probably get on a train and not even realizing it end up in Russia, but i'm sure you were smarter than that!

Hailey said...

Ok, well first I have to say I love Nutella! It tastes so good! Anyways me and trains and maps and all those things do not go well together! I cannot read a map if my life depended on it, it is way to confusing for me. Especially one on trains parce que, I never use them. You must have loved getting up every morning ready to go to Paris, I personally would love that. I have only be on a subway once for our 5th grade field trip to Boston. Those maps are very confusing I can't believe you could actually get around on those!

Hannah Marie said...

I remember the Métros. We rode them at least five times a day when we were in France, and for the first day we couldn't understand any of the maps! And a good amount of our walking time was spent looking for the Métros, but they were really cool.

-Hannah C.

Hannah said...

I love that they call it the metro, I also love that they call the subway in London the tube! I think it seems like a very dreamy fantasy this Paris trip of yours and I just don't know how you ever left! I have to say the metro looks much cleaner than the subways in D.C., Boston and New York.

ben said...

Wow, that is the most confusing thing I have ever seen... and I thought putting together a model car was hard. And considering its in French, makes it twice as hard. The picture its very nice, but the way the train connects to the subway, then goes back to the train and more... I don't know how you survived without your head exploding of confusing. (:

Daniel said...

The metro sounds really confusing. If I was in France and hadn't watched the video I probably would have missed my first train because I'm used to the subways automatic doors and would have thought the trains doors were broken. The maps look really hard to figure out and I definitely would have gotten lost more than a few times, so I couldn't say how you traveled through the metro.

Casey Fournier said...

I think it would be fun to ride the metro. I love going on the subway in Boston but there isn't much scenery. The scenery must be nice because the train must go above ground a lot so I think that's very cool.

Unknown said...

The subway looks very confusing and I would get lost a lot. It would take me way longer to figure how to get around. i have no idea how you go to the location because it is confusing.

Unknown said...

Congrats on it being John Elton's birthday!(Elton John) My Mom bought Nutella for the first time 2 weeks ago, and I love it! When I go to New York and Boston I love taking the Subway! I can't wait till I move to the city so I can take a Subway regularly. Except those maps do look a bit confusing.

Unknown said...

Well Ms. Schmearer, it seems that you had a good home to stay in when you were in Paris. I also think that it is good that you had your independence by riding the subway and being by yourself. The route seems very confusing which would take me a long time to figure out because I'm also not very good with maps! But especially if it was in a different country!

Isabella Emiline said...

Yay, they have Nutella in France! I love riding the subway, but I'd be the one who looks like they know what they're doing, but really is completely lost. There must be so much to look at and take in! Subway maps are so confusing, and they make me all turned around. But once you figured it out, it sounds so cool!

Elsa C. said...

Thats amazing that you have the pleasure of waking up to beautiful piano music every morning, I would love that.
I would have been so scared if I had to go on 'le Métro' by myself. I have never been on a train before, but they sound kind of scary!

Michaela said...

For one, I couldn't even get around in a subway in Boston alone, and just thinking about trying to get around on that metro and in a different language would be the hardest thing for me, I would become so very scared and if I ever got lost, finding my way back would be very, very hard!

kane.4.emma said...

Oh mon dieu! j'adore nutella!

Anyways, those maps gave me a headache. But I'm gonna give a shot at that question.

You take the B line from Sceaux to Denfert-Rochereau.
Then you got on the new train on the green line to St.-Germain-des-Pres.


Jack Salamone said...

Paris sounds like a very cool place to go with everything to look at. How was the transfer to the French way of life? Did you find anything boring after awhile?

Hawa said...

I love the picture you took of the train station it looks like it came from a movie in the 60s through 80s, somewhere around that time. And I have been on a train many, many times with my mom and her friend when I was little and that was when I lived in New Jersey. It was sooo much fun. But ever since I moved to Maine I've never been on a train in Maine so it's been a while. And I'm sorry but I cannot answer the question about the map thing it's too confusing. I just leave the maps to my dad. But I hope I can go on a train again soon someday. Au-revoir!

nicole d said...

First of all I love nutella!!! its sooo good! I wouldn't like to take the metro because it seems a lot like the T's in boston and I hate those because there long and packed but I love looking out the window to see everything so I would love that part!

Madame Schmearer said...

Fantastique, Emma! You did it! Bon travail!

Ellie! said...

Wow the metros sound life so much fun. Not only would I be happy that i was on the metro but that i was on my way to Paris. You are so lucky that you got to go there everyday. It must have been a great experience!

Clara said...

I think that I would have also enjoyed the independence and feeling of adulthood that you felt when you went on the train by yourself. Maps are also one of my favorite things to look at and study and on long car rides I'll just sit in the backseat for hours on end looking at a map and plotting where we are and where we're headed. But doing all of that in a different language? Now that seems like a challenge and I can't believe you caught on so quickly!

olivia papi said...

I would really like how cool a metro would be. But I would definitely be lost ALL the time! I can just picture myself holding a map and looking totally confused!